Friday 9 August 2013

We and our neighbour---now?

Indo-Pak relation is going to drastically fall for break the cease-fire. But it is not first time, several times it was happen. Many Indian soldiers died, captured, killed brutally.
Pakistan is a part of India before independence; the people of Pakistan have no difference with Indian.  But two nation theory, theory of difference between Indian Hindu and Indian Muslim. We know it is a game of rotten politics National congress and Muslim league. Which rise with power love of leader and the interest of British.  
After independence we see four wars between two countries. India wins these all, Pakistan lost his eastern part (now Bangladesh). But they continue pseudo war, help separatist movement, especially in Kashmir. The always try to disturb India, peace and unity of India.
India is rising super power of the world, Pakistan is a small and terrorist infested country. The poor, devastating people forget about their development. Leader and ISI, army always try to play India card. They do not want war, just try to break, separate the India. Religious harmony is going to destroy by Pakistan in our country.
Pakistan is a country, where democracy is dead. Most of times after independence they are leave under army rule.  Cripple democratic govt. can’t do anything under pressure of ISI, army, terrorist and religious conservative.     

Our misfortune some leader of our country want only peace talks with Pakistan. They don’t think about country, they think about vote box. But who did not want peace why we continue peace talk with them. This shame of a sovereign country, that our soldier died and we think about peace talk. If a dog bites you, should not bite this dog, but beat. Offence is the best defense; we should show deterrence Pakistan in every aspect. We keep peace, but when our brother died and we only think about peace this is shameful.