Monday 11 March 2013

Love in my view

Love is the countdown, a cold wave down in your heart; love is count up, a hot wave up to  your heart. Why? We don’t know why it’s happen? No one know when it’s come and when it’s go. All moment you can think, want, see, dream of love but it’s not happen. But suddenly like rain in desert, sunbeam from black cloud- love come to us. It’s come irresponsible of age, height, figure, hair, face cutting, colour, mustache, beard, dress, money, education, country, religion etc.
When it’s come through path of money, wealth, name, fame-is it loves? No it is compromise. If any love you as you are that is love. But ………………
What about me, love is just not come. Come but it’s just an illusion. Love come, I drowned and lost in happiness. But once I realized it just a dream. My wake up and love lost. I did not accused her, what she think she do that. But why she came, if she not its good for me.
Now after long day I think what’s happen it is good for both. Because love is immortal, but not lover. Live with quarrel, better separation. Now I am happy I think she also. So many times I want good love but it is not possible. Because when I want shower I got hot sun. I want to bath but burn.

No dear reader I don’t want to tell this sad love story of me. I want happiness and prosperity in love of all. I believe one day me got this immortal. Every man and women who did not find it or lost it, they find it in their life time. Love could not find out of world, it’s born and grow only in earth. We hope for this day when all people love others. Love for human being, love for all creature, for nature for earth.       

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