Friday 1 March 2013

Separatist movement of India-now and in future-

India is going to be the superpower of the world. But is it possible? Can Asian country sift world power from America and European Union. We don’t know about china, because this country is unpredictable. But India, still half poor of the world live in here, half children are growing up through malnutrition. GDP growth going down, unemployment, inflation of money;
But I think main problem is politics, which make inequality between man and women, one language to other language, one culture to another, one religion to another. For betterment of coming vote they pamper people categorically. They make category in cast, religion, language, culture etc.
If people think they do not give entry this people in their day to day life, it is become far better situation than now. I know that India is a democratic country. So voting system is essential to continue this democracy. We feel proud that India is largest democracy of the world. It is tough to continue democracy in such country where 1.2 billion population, so many languages and religion we can see here. But verdict should be done in the basis of development.
Separatist movement is another big problem of India. We should uproot this problem when we stared journey after independence in 1947. What is the wanting of these separatists, why they think if they are live in India, they lost their identity? Whose identity lost for stay together, this identity is so fragile. We the Indian, who believe in unity, we should stay, go and mixed with the people who think that they are separate. Provincialism is proud for this separatist. Who think they are unidentified for stay with other, they have no eligibility to be renowned. Who afraid for their education and culture, which can be flush out by other's culture and education, this culture is so week. One day future will wipe out this culture.
This is not movement, this coward step to kill other innocent people. This kind of separatist’s step encouraged our enemy. Now we see we did not learn from history. Eight hundred years ago this type of internal conflict call foreign invader. 250 years ago we see the repeat of history. We do not want more.        

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